The Department of Homeland Security has an excellent program designed to help you identify the materials being used to make bombs. This can be as simple as being at your local home store, and seeing the materials being bought in bulk by a customer, and knowing what they can be used for, then flagging down someone that can take action, to finding yourself next to a vehicle that has been parked illegally, and recognizing the signs of a vehicle borne improved explosive device. The BMAP program for short, was a training that SAFE took part in a few years back, but now, those same materials are online and available for you use. Please use this resource.
DHS Bomb-Making Materials Awareness Program (BMAP) Serves as a source of continued information on Improvised Explosive Device (IED) materials, tactics, and Counter-IED Training.
A Community Engagement Website serves as the dashboard for BMAP programs across the Nation to track, gather, and disseminate materials, successes, and lessons learned from the BMAP team’s instructor-led courses and site visits.
Link: https://www.dhs.gov/bmap